
Showing posts from March, 2021

Back to school later in life might be an adventure if it wasn't so overwhelming

 Learning is definitely a positive thing in general, but now now a days all the changes to try to do this online can be overwhelming. Especially for the a not so young person who mostly has learned old school way of learning. Having worked a career of mostly hands on type of work with limited experience with computer programs makes the thought of going back and completing education online an overwhelming endeavor. Not only do I feel completely handicapped intellectually with computer knowledge deficits, I also cannot even go back and resume where I left off years ago the next math or other basic classes, likely due to the so true phrase "you don't use it you loose it" Lord help me, acceptance, now what? I'll just have to take baby steps and reach out for any help and suggestions. I hope soon to feel more at ease and enjoy the journey and adventure rather than feel an almost paralyzing fear!